Mission Stadiums for Multiple Sclerosis

My MS Story

by Ava O'Brien

Hi everyone! My name is Ava O’Brien. I am from Boston, MA and I live with my mom, dad, and two sisters. I am studying Health Policy and Management at Providence College in Rhode Island.

I was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in the early summer of 2018 when I was 14 years old. I was a very active high schooler, playing a sport every season. I was captain of my field hockey team and a state champion my junior year! My symptoms began during finals week of my freshman year of high school.

I was studying for my history exam when suddenly my legs felt numb to the touch. Shortly after, optic neuritis and left hand numbness followed. I was scheduled for an MRI in the late summer due to my migraines but we was able to get an emergency appointment scheduled for a brain and spine MRI with contrast.

During my MRI, the radiologist so kindly let me know that they saw something on the scan and were going to do some more scans. Later, I was sent down to the emergency room and received my diagnosis that same day. Something not a lot of people with MS can say which is super unfortunate. But thanks to the quick thinking of the neurologist team at Boston Children’s Hospital I was admitted and started on IV steroids immediately.

Since my diagnosis, I have had two relapses that were treated with IV steroids. Currently, I am going into my senior year at Providence College. I am a huge sports fan especially Providence College Basketball and the Boston Celtics! I work an amazing internship at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Rhode Island. And I volunteer my time as a mentor to young teens with chronic illnesses in Rhode Island. In my free time, I love to spend time with my family, friends, and attend extracurriculars at school. I am apart of the PC Student Congress, and The Student Accessibility Office as a mentor for underclassmen with disabilities.

I am thankful for my MS diagnosis and all of the amazing people I have met because of it. Thank you to the MS4MS family for welcoming me with open arms!

Hi everyone! My name is Ava O’Brien. I am from Boston, MA and I live with my mom, dad, and two sisters. I am studying Health Policy and Management at Providence College in Rhode Island.

I was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in the early summer of 2018 when I was 14 years old. I was a very active high schooler, playing a sport every season. I was captain of my field hockey team and a state champion my junior year! My symptoms began during finals week of my freshman year of high school.

I was studying for my history exam when suddenly my legs felt numb to the touch. Shortly after, optic neuritis and left hand numbness followed. I was scheduled for an MRI in the late summer due to my migraines but we was able to get an emergency appointment scheduled for a brain and spine MRI with contrast.

During my MRI, the radiologist so kindly let me know that they saw something on the scan and were going to do some more scans. Later, I was sent down to the emergency room and received my diagnosis that same day. Something not a lot of people with MS can say which is super unfortunate. But thanks to the quick thinking of the neurologist team at Boston Children’s Hospital I was admitted and started on IV steroids immediately.

Since my diagnosis, I have had two relapses that were treated with IV steroids. Currently, I am going into my senior year at Providence College. I am a huge sports fan especially Providence College Basketball and the Boston Celtics! I work an amazing internship at Hasbro Children’s Hospital in Rhode Island. And I volunteer my time as a mentor to young teens with chronic illnesses in Rhode Island. In my free time, I love to spend time with my family, friends, and attend extracurriculars at school. I am apart of the PC Student Congress, and The Student Accessibility Office as a mentor for underclassmen with disabilities.

I am thankful for my MS diagnosis and all of the amazing people I have met because of it. Thank you to the MS4MS family for welcoming me with open arms!

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